This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project objectives and outcomes


The FinLiCo project‘s main aim is to improve the financial literacy competences of adult learners in order to prepare them for the challenges and temptations of the consumer society and to prevent situations of financial indebtedness. The project seeks to help improve adult learners’ competences through signposting and developing new training methodologies and resources.

To accomplish this, the partnership has researched and identified the needs in the field of financial literacy in adult users in eight European countries. As a result, a set of materials for trainers and for learners was developed.

Based on the research, the following main products, complementing each other, were produced:

  • A Handbook for Trainers containing pedagogical guidelines. This product has 2 volumes: Volume 1 comprises the topics that should be taught, plus reference to exercises and tools that can be carried out with the trainees in order to develop the required competences.
  • Volume 2 provides the respective exercises and tools. This volume can also be regarded as „Toolbox“ for adult users.
  • A Curriculum for Financial Literacy that will be supported by web educational technologies such as LMS and other web-based educational tools in order to increase their availability and accessibility
  • This website to support the above resources

Another example: The exercise "Top 10 financial rules"

You can find more exercises in the Handbook volume 2 (Toolbox)